BLARPY PUNGLES: Edition XXIVI, Murray I remember when I worked at Neptune Used Books, of sainted memory, in Isla Vista, California: there was this little guy name Murray, always in sunglasses (I NEVER SAW HIS EYES) who used to come in every so often, wander around, and eventually purchase lead Dungeons and Dragons figurines. Because we had a collection of those. The proprietess had a real active junk aesthetic & the place should more properly have been called Neptune Used Books and Other Crap. No one knew much about Murray, although I think I recall hearing he was from Puerto Rico (a Puerto Rican guy named Murray?) and would occasionally go off on delusions-of-grandeur type tirades. I never heard him speak. Anyway, I used to speculate about what Murray was doing with those little D & D figures ... I predicted that one day we'd see him roll out of whatever hovel he lived in, perched atop some kind of gigantic crusher robot composed entirely of little D & D figures. |