The Prostate Extensions

1:22 pm
maldoror, the garbageman
Love is like a purloined zigzag chimp.


1:25 pm
pale soap
Justice is like a laminated torte.


1:27 pm
lo-cal party-mix for dik-diks
Beauty is like a front-loading third-world country.


1:30 pm
the core of the dumplings
The Soul is like silently exploding Handi-Wrap


1:37 pm
i like milk
Philosophy is like a quilted carpet of weepy luncheon meats.


1:46 pm
matchstick civilizations -- in bondage!
Honor is like a fetal pig speaking Urdu.


1:54 pm
dictate, prevaricate, categorize & split
History is like a 98-lb politician surrounded by angry cocktail weenies.


2:03 pm
"BlortaSquee," the stutterin' ankylosaurus sent this one in
Envy is like a red/green Hopi with temporary flying buttresses.


2:09 pm
air and pretzels, looted
Silence is like a tiny high school quarterback made entirely of hominy.


2:28 pm
Heaven is like Waco when somone down at the Walgreen's cuts string heaters into unlawful old staple-puller earmuffs.


3:28 pm
world-class lip service
Money is like sportive happy diatoms partying in my nether ear.


5:02 pm
mom, the morlocks are cheating
Life is like a tissue-wrapped hammer.


5:08 pm
coming of the über-superfly
Trust is like beef.
